How to Report Fraud
MPERS is taking a proactive approach to combating fraud affecting our System. We have developed an avenue for anonymously reporting suspected retirement related fraud to MPERS. Fraudulent activity is unacceptable and we need your help to report any suspected fraud related to the retirement system.
Examples of fraud related to retirement may include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Intentionally falsifying retirement information
- Falsely claiming disability retirement
- Theft or misuse of personal information for MPERS members and retirees
- Continuing to cash or receive retirement payments for deceased member(s)
- Intentionally not enrolling eligible individuals into MPERS
- Any illegal activity related to the retirement system
Please call (800) 443-4248 or (225) 929-7411 if you suspect retirement related fraud that affects MPERS.
To ensure that your allegation can be processed and/or investigated thoroughly, please provide as much information as possible.
Please consider the following items when providing details on the allegation:
- Who was involved?
- What are the details of the fraudulent activity?
- When did the fraud take place?
- Where did the fraud take place?
Alternatively, you can report fraud via the Louisiana Legislative Auditor hotline at the link below