Election Services Corporationhas been engaged to conduct an election for one trustee position to represent Non-chief District I and one trustee position to represent Retiree District I. At its regularly scheduled meeting held November 20, 2019, the Board of Trustees called for an election and opened nominations for one trustee position to represent NonĀ­chief District I for an unexpired term beginning upon the nominated/elected candidate taking of the oath of office and ending June 30, 2021. The Retiree District I will also fill an unexpired term beginning upon the nominated/elected candidate taking of the oath of office and ending June 20, 2022. The candidate receiving the most votes will be declared the winner of the position.

For further details, including the election schedule, please see the memo linked below.

You can find MPERS’selection rules here.

The Non-chief District I map can be found here. The Retiree District I map can be found here.
